Landscape Committee Meeting
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Chimney Hill Owners Association
The Committee met at the Chimney Hill Clubhouse. Carol Sewall, Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:33 a.m. The following Committee members attended: Elaine Ahnell, Carlotta Gladding, Laura Powers, Patty Small, Diana Gould, Pam Massey, Tanya Sparano, Beth Nanis, Sharron Heberlein, Roseann Adams and Kathleen Comeau. Barbara Silver attended virtually.
The minutes from July 7, 2024, were approved.
Cheryl took care of fall clean up including the clubhouse flagpole area. Carol will take a look at the contract with Cheryl to confirm what her responsibilities are.
Fall planting of the mums in the kiosks will be left up to each member as to when they’d like to do as some want their summer flowers in a bit longer. Each member has $30 to spend and should submit their receipt to the office. Members were reminded that Janet Boyd has offered her 8” mums at $4 each to members only. There were no new members that requested taking over any of the current kiosks. Staining of the kiosks, a bridge for Sharron and the dead tree behind Elaine’s kiosk are on hold until spring due to the maintenance crew working on water issues. When taking care of kiosks, the Chimney Hill board requested that members pay attention to safety, remain visible and park your car facing with the flow of the traffic (not against), off to the side with flashers on. When members begin planning for winter decorations of their kiosks they need to keep in mind they should not have religious decorations. Patty told members she has decorated with clippings/cuttings from her yard and Elaine mentioned that she has leftover decorations from last year that can be used.
The ongoing topic of guest speakers brought up the concern that the Committee stay in the lane of the Landscape Committee Mission Statement and not enter into other areas off topic. Tanya has contacted Karen Rose of Monty’s Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Shaftsbury who is willing to do a talk only requesting donations (her Amazon and Chewy accounts were mentioned). Per the previous meeting the topic would be on wildlife and some focus on the dangers of poisons used by homeowners that affect wildlife. Members voiced concern that it would need to stay in the parameters of ‘landscape’. Tanya said she would reach out to Karen and see if they could come up with information suitable to go into the Gardener’s Corner Eblast about the dangers or poisons and offer some alternatives. The other person she had reached out to from Protect Our Wildlife would have a focus on trapping, how to release your dog if accidently caught in a trap while out on a walk, etc. Again there was concern it would not be a topic specific to ‘landscape’. Carlotta said her contact, Rich Watkins, was currently traveling out of the country. Sharron suggested bringing in a bee keeper after Elaine brought up the importance of native plants as they attract bees. Carol will look into anyone going for their Master Gardener’s degree that needs hours towards that and might be willing to speak. Barbara had seen information on Cindy Heath of the UVM Extension Service Master Gardener Program who had done a workshop on gardening with native plants and thought possibly she would be available. Diana recommended all of this be tabled until the spring so that a list can be organized for possible speakers, dates they are available and once confirmed, advertised in the Chimney Hill Eblast for all in the Chimney Hill community to have the opportunity to attend.
Discussion on the memorial garden up at the Lookout continued from the last meeting as although several members would like to maintain, there is confusion still on 1)who owns the land?, 2)was it donated to Chimney Hill?, 3)if it still belongs to the owners who planted the garden are they in agreement with others maintaining and 4) to what extent would members who want to take this on set parameters for it with current consensus being to keep it small as it stands but more attractive and cared for. Carol stated she will try to see if a firm response on ownership of the land can be determined.
Carol requested that submissions of New Business Ideas be seven (7) days prior to each meeting and submitted by email to the Chair, Board Representative, and Secretary so that an agenda can be set. All Committee correspondence will be via email in alignment with Chimney Hill’s initiative to cut down on paper. There was no interest in anyone taking on the Chair or Secretary positions for next year so Carol and Kathleen will remain in their current positions. There was discussion on future meeting dates when/where to hold with the majority preferring Saturday with the suggestion it be the same Saturday each month, possibly held in the office if a conflict with Board meetings. Roseann let members know that O’Brien Hosta Farm in Granby has their annual sale on everything starting Friday, October 11, through that weekend.
The end of the year celebration will be held at the Clubhouse on Saturday, November 2, at 5:00. Laura will submit the paperwork to request the Clubhouse reservation.
Elaine would like the bridge to her kiosk moved behind it for winter. Laura suggested they remove and store the bridges so they would last longer but the Committee agreed this would be too much to ask the maintenance crew. Elaine asked if there is any leftover top soil and compost for next year which Carol will look into. Barbara brought up the trails by her home that still have trees down. Laura has emailed Carol Bois of Friends of the Trails but had not received a response so she will try again. Carol had previously told the Committee that volunteers were needed. Tanya suggested that Keith Herbert may be able to help. The cleaning up of the Vast Trail System does not appear to have started yet. Tanya brought up again her concern on the lights at the Chimney Hill entrance being on 24/7.
Saturday, October 26, 2024, 9:30 a.m. at the Clubhouse
ADJOURNMENT was at 10:59
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Comeau
(updated 2018)
Our objective is to ensure that the public areas of the Chimney Hill community are
carefully maintained and, as necessary and feasible, enhanced by shrubs, trees, and
colorful plantings, pleasant to the eye, and an invaluable contribution toward the
increase in property values.
In order to meet this objective, we must:
1) Meet regularly to discuss and address Committee members’ and CHOA members’
specific concerns;
2) Oversee the work of the contracted CHOA Gardener and provide input; assist the
Gardener when feasible to save on costs;
3) Provide education to the Chimney Hill community on
a) How to plant and maintain attractive properties;
b) Appreciation of the wildlife and vegetation on our lands by presenting workshops and nature-oriented events;
c) Update our website with pertinent articles and reference works; contribute comments and advice to the e-newsletter
Southern Vermont 15 Deer-Resistant Plants
Southern Vermont Nurseries List
Southern Vermont Sun Annual List
Southern Vermont Shade Annual List
Southern Vermont Sun Perennials List
Southern Vermont Shade Perennials List